Sorry Ken. Your script works well in a one-line field, but I need it to work in a many line field (maybe I didn't say that in the first place).

At 12:27 AM -0500 27/10/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Try this one (script of the field):

on keydown whichKey
    if whichKey is among the chars of "01234567890.-" then
        put me into tTemp
        put word 2 of the selectedChunk into sChar
        put word 4 of the selectedChunk into eChar
        if eChar > sChar then -- some text is selected
            delete char sChar to eChar of tTemp
        end if
        put whichKey after char eChar of tTemp
        if isNumber(tTemp) then pass keyDown
    end if
end keyDown

Basically it checks to see if the end product would end up with a numeric
value, and if so, it will allow the keystroke to happen.

BTW: There was no reason to trap for backspace/delete as there isn't a way
AFAIK to remove some or part of a number and have the end result *not* be a


Ken Ray

At 5:44 AM -0500 27/10/05, Richard Gaskin wrote:
Judy Perry wrote:
 > Of course, they just told me today that they think that it is possible for
 > a computerized voting scheme to have an error rate of <1%.

It's not the errors I'm concerned about as much as vulnerabilities and
no audit trail.

Bartcop's Second Law of Economics:

     "If someone makes a mistake
      that puts money in their pocket,
      you can bet they'll make that mistake
      again, and again, and again..."

This will get me into trouble if anyone notices it here at the bottom:

It is very important to recognize the folly of corruptible voting machines and to accept the possibility that elections are rigged. However, it is MUCH more important that people think about why they voted the way they did. They shouldn't be misled in the same way a second (third?) time. A little reflection and self-knowledge is called for: half of us owe the other half a confession of mea culpa.

Michael J. Lew

Senior Lecturer
Department of Pharmacology
The University of Melbourne
Parkville 3010

Phone +613 8344 8304

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