On Oct 31, 2005, at 4:52 PM, William de Smet wrote:

Chipp embeds his library substacks but he problably doesn't need to update and save, like I do. After reading the suggestions I believe there is no way to put it all in one file, is there? How can I make the distribution under WIndows more friendly. Do I need to make or use an installer?
Until now I distributed a single .exe file.


No, there really is no way to have a single file, which is an executable, and still save the data. You'll need to save it somewhere. Often, this can be stored in a preferences file in one of the "special folders."

Chipp's suggestion's are also good ones. In my own projects, I usually have a resource folder alongside my executable, and place any required data stacks within it. If it is something where they might want to share files, then using standard "get file" dialogs are useful to determine where the user might want to save things.

Finally, if distribution simplicity is the key, consider this... simply have a template substack that is contained within your main stack. When the main stack is run, check for the existence of your data stack, if it doesn't yet exist, have your executable create it from the template. This lets you have the single file distribution, but a savable data stack after the user runs the app.

RPSystems, Ltd.

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