Just one more!

Try this:

      select line fGetMenuItem(fld "TestField") of the text of me

About 1000 to 1 odds on it working tho!

All the Best


Unless I misunderstood what you ment, it doesn't work...

I have a button on the card of type "pop up" named "TestMenu"
This button has got 10 lines of text, which creates a menu of 10 items.
I have one field on the card named "Test"

The button contains the following code:
    on mouseDown
      select line fGetMenuItem(fld "TestField") of me
    end mouseDown

    ON menupick vChoice
      put vChoice into fld "TestField"
      set the menuHistory of me to fGetMenuItem(fld "TestField")
    END menupick

    FUNCTION fGetMenuItem vMenuItemName
      put the text of button "TestMenu" into vMenuText
      put lineOffset(vMenuItemName,vMenuText) into vMenuItem
      return vMenuItem
    END fGetMenuItem

and the result: The menu just pops up with item 1 underneath the cursor :-(

Any more suggestions?


On 1-nov-05, at 18:03, David Burgun wrote:
Have you tried:

select line GetMeniItem("theMenuString") of me

This may work.
All the Best

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