Good job focusing this aspect of the discussion, Geoff.

On Nov 16, 2005, at 1:39 PM, Geoff Canyon wrote:

So if AJAX apps are secure but need local storage, and Rev apps have local storage but need security, which will get what it needs first?

My position: once a machine has been booted and the user has logged into a server/service where his "stuff" is, local storage can be made completely unnecessary. Note, I'm not saying it should or must be made unnecessary, just that it's possible. I can't think of a *technical* reason why my user ID, password, etc., can't be stored on a server. The only question is where and how does authentication occur. Today, there are increasing advances being made in biometric mechanisms (thumb-prints, retinal scans, etc.), which is one way of addressing this problem. Another is with a secure external (think USB thumb drive) device on which my security info is stored and secured. There are several technologies out there that do this now.

So, my bottom line on *this * issue: AJAX apps have a solid edge.

Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
Get my book, "Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought"

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