For me, primarily a writer who sees programming as an alternate form of communication, the answer to the question "why program?" is the same as the answer to the question "why write?" or "why paint?" It is in the nature of human beings to create. Each of us has different talents and interests and skills and capabilities and curiosities. Each of us has different perceived needs in the realm of software to deal with our day-to-day tasks.

Many of the Revolution apps I've built for myself and others could have been done some other way. Perhaps a set of complex Excel macros could have done the job. Or an off-the-shelf piece of software could come close. But to get that perfect fit between a perceived need and a solution requires a form of artistry that expresses itself in code and UI design in much the same way a custom drawing depicts "just so" a scene or person that could have been captured roughly by some less artistic and precise method.

WHy code? Coding is not for everyone. In fact, everyone I know who codes would say there are many days when coding isn't enjoyable or at least isn't their preferred activity. Just as many artist friends will tell me that there are many days they'd rather e sailing or walking the dog than painting or sculpting. But like art, software design and development -- including the grunt work of coding -- gets into your blood. It becomes part of who you see yourself as being. You could no more quit coding than you could quit thinking because very often you think in code. I look at any problem/opportunity in the real world and my first instinct is, "How can I explain this better?" (that's the writer in me) and my second instinct is, "What kind of software could make that problem more tractable?" (that's the coder in me).

Every year I receive hundreds of emails and correspondence from people who seek advice about starting or continuing their writing careers. I tell them all the same thing. "Don't write unless you cannot not write." I'd say the same goes for coding. Many people who say they love writing actually love having written; they like the result, but not the process. Same is true for coding. Same, I suspect, is true of artists.

My 2 Euros.

Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
Get my book, "Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought"

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