Richard Gaskin and Janis:

There seems to be enough interest in creating a tool that allows people to create serious, engaging and funny software products that are primarily visual in nature, yet require the user to solve problems. It is the hope of many that this tool would be also visual in nature, not requiring the user to engage in any large quantity of coding. Nearly every product that has been created to provide a visual solution always seems to have, as an alterior motive, the intention of dragging the user back into the realm of learning to code using some traditional programming language. Why not create a very powerful tool that can really produce real software, focused on the type that is visual in nature - interactive graphical applications and games - that does not have, as part of its goal, teaching the user how to program with traditional languages? A specialized and fun tool, yet not frivolous and childish in design.

When developers go about the task of producing products like this, they usually resort to one analogy and not several - like only flowchart logic design, or purely drag and drop iconic systems. I think the whole problem can be addressed by making a "construction system" that parallels what a person would use if trying to create the same system in the real world.

I recently visited several sites where folks are completely obsessed and spending lots of money and time building extremely complex and interactive physical systems, on a par with any high tech factory, all out of lego parts. If you push this switch, this set of behaviors ensues - if this object touches that object, this whole circuit of activity takes place, and so on. These physical demonstrations show cause and effect reactions, random behavior, physics, timed behavior and loops - all the things that make up most entertaining games. What this also demonstrated to me was that very complex systems, that are interactive, can be made of many smaller, non-complex parts - simple parts.

If the problem of developing a visual programming tool were addressed in a way that it would specifically parallel a physical construction system, capable of creating incredibly complex interactions and environments - all in 3D - yet, any person of any skill level could begin to build with such a system, and new subsystems could be built on these elementary building skills, until, finally a complex system would emerge from the sum of the parts - we would have a really winning creation tool. It would be conceivable to create things like robots demonstrating A.I., as well as gaming systems with characters that demonstrated A.I., and environments that react intelligently with encounters, therein. Such a graphical development system would have the added advantage of having a set of capabilities and functions that are not easily reproduceable in the real world, parallel system. And, the parts would not have to be as restrictive as a lego set, but could take many shapes, suitable for creating nearly any graphical, interactive situation. And the best part about all of it is that it would be fun - the process of making things would be fun and the process of "playing" the completed project would also be fun. Fun for the whole family!

If the underlying constructs of the whole system were based in a language like Revolution, which is, at least approachable to most people, modifications and extensions could then be accessible to everyone with programming skills. I'm sure that not everything can be made to specifically resemble a "part" in the parallel real world system, and that is where some other form of logic connectivity would need to enter in. But, I think, even that could take the form of "electric wires" or "logic rays", that network everything together. Think of it . . . , a living, moving, interactive development environment that makes sense - All In Glorious 3D!

But, I'm afraid it would be up to guys like Richard Gaskin, etc. to lay the initial framework for such a thing, at least. I'd be happy to assist, as I'm sure others would be, with any kind of 3D or 2D graphic and animation work, and to test any new "inventions" that are part of the development process. A project like this might even help a great many people, like me, to come to grips with Transcript in a tangible way. Then we would have the best of all possible worlds.

What do you guys think?

Greg Smith

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