This reminds me of Srila Bhagavan Goswami Gurudeva - Woops, letting too much out about my murky past - strike that.
When a 'church'/movement/revolution goes rotten it is normally because its founder members have become disillusioned and left because they feel that the original vision has been lost. [Thinking about that Garga Muni dasa might be more apposite]. Now, I've said this before - possibly in a more facetious fashion - the 'Guru' (Atkinson) is 'Out There' in the cold (I remember he has some slightly sad website of landscape photographs) - the way to get the 'church' (and this post could spawn endless messages about whether we should view SuperCard as the Protestants, MetaCard as the Orthodox, and RR as the Catholics / Hypercard as Sunni, SC as Ibadi, RR as Shi'ia / HC as Vedantists, SC as Ramanujaite Vaisnavas, RR as Caitanyaite Vaisnavas - Oh, Cripes) back on the doctrinal path (well, at least in touch with the original vision) might be to open a channel of communication with Bill Atkinson - the man deserves it, dammit, he started all this! HyperCard withered because the founder had become cheesed-off / had been cast aside. Seen this a thousand times - and the historical parallels are there for all but the really turpitudinous to see. sincerely, Richmond __________________________________________________ See Mathewson's software at: _______________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------- The Think Different Store For All Your Mac Gear --------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________ use-revolution mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription preferences: