Hi Paul,

>There is a way to tell to Revolution to look in stack "X" before the other
>open stacks, even if they have been loaded previously?

         start using stack "X"

places stack "X" ahead of all other library stacks in the message
chain; but it will not place it ahead of the topStack.  The images
may need to be on card 1 if the stack is in use but otherwise unopened.

I have suggested previously, but never seriously explored, the
possibility that one could change the look and feel of an app with
one "start using" statement that toggled between two library stacks
containing different sets of images with the same ids.

Hi Rob,

I've tried your tip, but it seems that the "start using stack " method works for scripts but not to 'link' images as icons. Maybe Revolution use another message path hierarchy
for this.


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