Le 8 déc. 05 à 16:59, Eric Chatonet a écrit :

Could you share your problem on the list?
Can help...

Here is the code...

on preOpenStack
if the short name of this stack is not "klimax" then pass PreOpenStack

  put " Please, wait. Rev app's server loading..."
  set twelveHourTime to false
put "Rev TCP/IP APP'S server up since" && the short date & "," && the short time into binfo

  # start using stack "aslibsmtp"

  set itemdel to "/"
put "/" & item 2 to -2 of the long name of this stack & "/" into Lepath put "/" & item 2 to -3 of the long name of this stack & "/" into LepathRacine

####### Fonctions communes de binding du serveur PostgreSQL : Début #######

  #  if the platform is "MacOS" then
  #    repeat for each item i in revOpenDatabases()
  #      get revdb_disconnect(i)
  #    end repeat
# put revOpenDatabase ("PostgreSQL","localhost","progis","postgres","postgres") into PGLinkOpen
  #  else if the systemversion is "Linux 2.4.18-4GB"
  #  then put "psql -h localhost progis -U postgres" into PgPath
# else put "/usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql -h localhost progis -U postgres" into PgPath

####### Fonctions communes de binding du serveur PostgreSQL : Fin ########

  set the socketTimeoutInterval to "10"
  if the windows is "klimax"
  then accept connections on port "967" with message "newconnect"
  else accept connections on port "9678" with message "newconnect"

  send doGlobalsInit to btn "metier"

  open file Lepath & "rev-as_log.txt" for append
  if the result is not "" then
    write cr & the result & cr to file Lepath & "rev-as_log.txt"
    put " " & the result after Pboot
else write return & return & "Open sockets :" && the opensockets & return & return to file Lepath & "rev-as_log.txt"
  close file Lepath & "rev-as_log.txt"

  replace " eof" with "" in Pboot
  if the num of words in Pboot > 0
  then put "klimax app server not up :" & Pboot
  else put binfo

end preOpenStack

on openstack
  set the tool to "browse"
  if the windows is not "klimax" then
    set the rect of window "message box" to "6,59,407,131"
    set the topleft of window "klimax" to "440,69"
  end if
end openstack

on opencard
  # if the environment is not "development" then start using "LibURL"
end opencard


on doGlobalsInit

  put url ("file:" & Lepath & "gd-graphics.php") into MaskGDG
  put url ("file:" & Lepath & "header.html") into HeadInclude
  put url ("file:" & Lepath & "footer.html") into BotInclude
  put url ("file:" & Lepath & "mask.html") into MaskKLX

end doGlobalsInit

Thanks for your help !

Le 8 déc. 05 à 16:56, Pierre Sahores a écrit :

Merci Eric. C'est donc bien le contenu que j'utilise dans le propenstack qui n'est plus supporté de la même manière entre les 2.6 et 2.6.1...

Best Regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
http://www.sosmartsoftware.com/    [EMAIL PROTECTED]/

That's all for yet, Friends, Kind Regards, Pierre Sahores

"A partir du moment où on évolue dans une activité où il n'y a pas de place pour la fanfaronnade, on est obligé de tomber sur des personnages d'exception. Tous ces gens sont au limiteur." Pierre Dupasquier

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