On Thu, 15 Dec 2005 15:02:01 +0100, Wouter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

A very nice stack as usual.
But it showed a problem on my slowbook (titanium 400 mhz) driven by
mac osx.
The start and end values of the scrollbars are from high to low.
This forces the engine to set the thumbsize to -0.
When the showvalue of the scrollbars is true (indicated by the gray
line formed by the "ticks")
  it will slow revolution down to an unresponsive condition.
On my rig the unaltered stack uses over 80 % of cpu time and it takes
several seconds (10 - 15) for each "frame" to show.
The remedy is to reverse the start and endvalues of the scrollbars
(from low to high) or turn off the showvalue.
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

Funny, it works fine on my B&W G3/400 which shouldn't be any faster than 
Wouter's PowerBook. I'm running Tiger (10.4.3). It uses up to 60% of cpu time 
which I admit isn't exactly 
normal. I wonder how it will go on the Mac mini which I'm hoping against hope 
that Santa will bring me...


Graham Samuel / The Living Fossil Co. / UK and France

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