Timidly, I'll weigh in. I don't want the transcript syntax, which is full of potential snares. (How many newbies -- not this one, anyway -- can remember when some long string of prepositional phrases needs a set of parentheses somewhere?) If I'm looking at a stack trace, I expect to see it starting from the top and working down. To see my immediate context I look at the bottom (or right end), and scan back (up) as I needed.

I'm really excited at the thought of Constellation reforming the degugging environment for Rev. Even more important than what it does for editing! I know that's putting it too strongly, and Jerry didn't promise that at all -- well, I'll take a little at a time, as offered. But much as I like building apps in Rev, I really miss the kind of debugging I get in WingIDE in Python. Because Transcript can scatter the handlers in an app into so many nooks & crannies, it's especially valuable to be able to see what *did* happen, rung by rung, as opposed to what I thought was going to happen.


On Dec 21, 2005, at 6:11 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I would love to have a good variable watcher integrated into Constellation. This is more important to me than the property list. Having everything together in one place would be most helpful. And the Constellation layout, with the
attached and resizable panels, is almost ideal for debugging.
Incidentally I vote for the transcript syntax:
line "7" of handler "mouseUp" of button "button".... etc.

Please keep up the good work!
Paul Looney
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