Hello everybody,

is it just me or does anybody else noticed this :

(and this is new to me because before I had no problems with it...)

I have 2 btns : one for recording sound and the second for stopping recording ;

Recording-Btn's Script :

global tName
on mouseUp
        if the uClicked of me is false then
        set filename of player "soet" to ""
        if tName is not empty then
                ask information "Numm fir de Fichier..."
                if the result is not "cancel" then
                        put it into tFichName
                        set the uClicked of me to true
                        set the recordInput to "dflt"
                        set the recordFormat to "aiff"
                        set the recordCompression to "raw "
                        set the recordrate to 32
                        set the recordchannels to 2
                        set the recordSampleSize to 16
                        record sound file 
                        set icon of me to 3186
                        show img "sign"
                        hide img "sign"
                        exit to top
                end if
        end if
                exit to top
end if
end mouseUp

I recorded sounds several times one after the other but fact is that every second recorded sound is usuable ; at one time I have noisy sounds instead of a recorded voice and another time the recorded sound is ok..

that's not ideal for working with the audio component...

Is Rev to blame ?(ver 2.6.1)

My OS ? ( Mac Os X 10.4.3) or

Quicktime ? (7.0.3)

Is there a workaround ?


Christian L.
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