----- Original Message ----- From: "Ken Ray"

Hope this helps,

Certainly, it does, Ken. However, that doesn't explain why the tooltips in the Message Box would make the distinction without a clue about how to follow the instructions on a "Enter" key-only keyboard. Oh well, I know now, and can get rich by selling the information to other RR newbies.

Now, [OT] if anyone wants to know why you have to produce charts in different keys for C, Bb, Eb, and F instruments in order to get them to play the same notes in a concert key in unison, I'll be happy to sell that information too. It is a silliness of the same quality, but several orders of magnitude greater.

I'll never understand why people get into creating these little fixes for the wrong problems (see http://allmyfaqs.net/faq.pl?Fix_the_wrong_problem ), without asking me, first.

Okay, back to coding, everybody!

Many happy Returns/Enters!

---- Jerry Muelver

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