Hi Swami,

I noticed no one replied directly to you. I'd guess that revPrintText has the same underlying problem as revPrintField. Does revPrintText work right if the printed output is one page or less? If so, that's a clue.

The other messages on this thread have probably given you some ideas about how to proceed.



Ditto that...please quote the script here.

Just because there some super sages on this list doesn't mean that "trivial" stuff need not be exposed. It may be just the thing someone needs.

My users have printing problems on windows, I use the standard code

on printTranscript
  put the cHeader of me into tPrintTranscript
  replace "|" with ": " in tPrintTranscript
  replace "\" with "" in tPrintTranscript
  put cr & cr after tPrintTranscript
  put fld "Transcript" after tPrintTranscript
  revShowPrintdialog, true,true
   revPrintText tPrintTranscript
end printTranscript

Simple, right? poke a variable with some text and print it. Well, it works on the Mac but delivers garbage on Windows...I haven't had time to solve this but I really need to.

And if this is useful maybe Dan can add it to his printing Smart Book.


On Jan 11, 2006, at 2:54 PM, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

Hi Tim,

Could you quote the script here so it is available to us all? I don't
need it at the moment, but as another Mac person, I might run into
this problem at some stage, so I would love to be able to find this in
the archives.


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