On 17 Jan 2006, at 06:53, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

revmail "[EMAIL PROTECTED]","Hier Ausfüllen","Text of Mail"

doesn´t work, but

I had a look at the script in the revCommon library and it contains
the following lines:
    put urlEncode(pSubject) into pSubject
    put urlEncode(pBody) into pBody
    replace "+" with "%20" in pSubject
    replace "+" with "%20" in pBody

I would have thought they would make it work, even with umlauts, but
in fact, when I commented them out, it all worked fine.

Using utf8 for the subject and message text also seems to work.

 put uniDecode(uniEncode("Hier Ausfüllen"),utf8) into tSubject
 revmail "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", tSubject,"Text of Mail"

As with Sarah's solution, I don't know what will happen with other mail clients. But at least you can avoid editing the rev library.

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