
Well, it seems Rev is starting to click and stick for me now. I actually wrote some code without referring to the docs or looking at any examples, or asking for a sample on the list here!

Garrett's pride and joy code from scratch:

local varTitleVisualStatus = 1
local varDateVisualStatus = 1

on TitleVisualStatusSub
  -- Title header is height of 24 open, 9 closed
  if varTitleVisualStatus is 1 then
    set the visible of field "FieldTitle" to false
    set the visible of image "FieldTitleClose" to false
    put 0 into varTitleVisualStatus
    set the visible of field "FieldTitle" to true
    set the visible of image "FieldTitleClose" to true
    put 1 into varTitleVisualStatus
  end if
end TitleVisualStatusSub

I feel totally stoked now! :-) This means I'll be sticking with Rev for a long time to come now and will most likely have to sell the wife and kids in order to be eligible for updates and upgrades. ;-) But I refuse to part with my kitties and my computers!

Thanks to everyone here helping me out. Had it not been for all of you, Rev would not be clickin' and a stickn' in my skull.

P.S. And Constellation Rocks Too!
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