On 2/25/06 1:31 PM, "Judy Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Amen, Rob.
> If it is OO *capabilities* that are desired, then fine: just provide them
> in a natural-language manner (e.g., keep it transparent).
> But the language paradigm simply cannot be allowed to be converted from a
> focused, internally-consistent one into the mishm-mash of "whatever" (VB
> syntax?  sure,  use it in this context; want dot.sytax for OO?  sure!  use
> it here.. don't like the words stack, card etc.? heck, call them plates
> and saucers and, well, whatever).
> It simply will cease to be a coherent language at that point.  And,
> whatever it will be, an x-Talk it will not.

Part of the issue becomes the verbosity and having to use the "\" line
continuation frequently.

Consider, version 1
get the currentColor() of trafficLight "4wayType" of side "west" of avenue
"Hamilton" of street "Main" of city "Snowflake" of state "Arizona" of
country "US"

vs version 2
signalA = US.Arizona.Snowflake.Main.Hamilton.West.4WayType.currentColor()
signalB = US.Arizona.Snowflake.Main.Alex.East.LeftTurnType.currentColor()

Some would prefer version 1, others are used to version 2.

US.NV.Las Vegas.Ricardo.House.Ault.Jim  :-)   (Kinda has a ring to it, eh?)

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