On Mar 3, 2006, at 11:58 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Minus: Media has a backdrop that's always present

Right. There's the point. When you buy something like Hypercard, or Dreamcard, you're buying a GUI builder and programming lanuage. But a GUI builder and programming language in which you can't control the screen even to the extent of getting rid of a backdrop sounds to me like a parameterized PowerPoint. The feature-comparison page on the web site (Media can't connect even to a mySQL database, can't do CGI, but has nice "templates" for people who don't want to program anything) says pretty plainly that Media is no replacement for Dreamcard.

I have asked the same question about updates -- $50, by March 10, for a terminal year of updates to a program nobody's going to support after that? -- but not gotten an answer yet.

The main answer seems loud and clear: we're supposed to shift to Studio.


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