I think that might take too long (especially over a network). I'm playing on the order of 10-20 files in sequence to read a word problem sentence that has been spliced together.

I originally tried creating the number of players I'd need and setting each one to the appropriate filename and then playing them one after another, but that took too long.

I'm tempted just to create a maximum number of players (rather than recreating them each time) and see if I can get acceptable performance without hanging by setting up all the file names and then playing them in sequence.

At 01:20 PM 3/9/2006, you wrote:
On Mar 9, 2006, at 10:18 AM, Peter T. Evensen wrote:

Any other suggestions?  This is becoming a show-stopper.  I
couldn't get a SMIL file to work over the network.  It wouldn't
play all the files (it would skip some to keep up).

You could try creating a reference movie using EnhancedQT.  It is
similar in concept to SMIL but perhaps the performance will be
better.  Worth a try.  Here is how you would do it:

1) Get your list of movie filepaths.
2) Create two player objects
3) Call qtNewMovie to create a new empty movie in a temp directory.
Load this movie into player 1.
4) Loop through your list of movies.  For each movie:
        - Load into player 2
        - qtSelectAll the movieControllerID of player 2
        - qtCopy the movieControllerID of player 2
        - qtPaste the movieControllerID of player 2

Player 1 now contains references to all of the movies.  Trying
playing this back and see if performance is any better.  Creating the
reference movie won't necessarily be quick though.

Peter T. Evensen
314-629-5248 or 888-628-4588
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