Wow Peter, great! As one of the "lurkers" who has been toying with Revolution before taking a dive, this is indeed inspiring.



On Mar 16, 2006, at 7:44 PM, Collabyrinth VPN wrote:


As (your) luck would have it, we're working on exactly such a document for the poor unfortunates who will inherit the servers once I've wrought havoc on them.

This is pro bono stuff for the fellowship AFAIC, for keeping me sober since 1979, so by all means, when it's done and relatively stable, I'll release it in the RunRev wild.

Some of the stuff around FastCGI is a bit tricky, but I think the documentation will pull you through. If it doesn't, you know where to get me.

So, about the coffee ...

Peter Elliott

Wally Rodriguez wrote:

How about a tutorial on how to set up Rev to use FastCGI. For those of us for whom a lot of these terms are totatlly new, it would be great to be able to take advantage of some of these tools.

I know I'm already salivating at the possibilities of merge(), something I just learned about on this thread.


On Mar 16, 2006, at 1:34 PM, Collabyrinth VPN wrote:

Forgive the intrusion from a 'lurker', but as I've learned so much from you all the last three months, it's time I gave something back.

I'm developing using Ruby on Rails on both Windows XP Pro SP2 & (Knoppix) Linux simultaneously.

Rev works just fine with FastCGI. Fwiw, I'd be happy to set up some benchmarks and publish the results next week, if it helps.

A brief general comment. I use and modify the Ruby code to handle the 'unseen' parts, if you will, and Rev to generate what the user sees on the websites. I see Rev as complementary to ROR, and it seems to work well. A good mix.

Cheers from Canada
Peter Elliott

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