Do you have an example? I agree that if you end up passing in a handful of arguments by reference, you haven't accomplished much by breaking out the routine. The question is if there isn't a better way to slice the routine, where that wouldn't be necessary.

On Mar 20, 2006, at 4:29 AM, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

In my experience, it's probably due to never passing values by
reference. If I am working on a routine that generates multiple
variables, then acts on them, it is easier to keep it all together
than to try and transfer more than one variable back & forth between
handlers & functions.

A separate function is great if it only has to return one variable,
but as soon as it acts on more than one, I find it easier to leave
that code as part of the main handler.

Of course, if a segment of code is used by more than one handler, it's
worth the effort to split it out, but otherwise, I'm not too fussed
about keeping handlers small. Good commenting can overcome any
problems interpreting it later :-)

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