I'm sorry for Arthur Urban and his experience of "perpetual crashing on WinXP", and I'm glad to see Jacqueline's statement that the problem has been acknowledged and is being fixed. I just want to confirm that this doesn't affect everyone: at present I am switching an app I'm developing between OSX and and WinXP machine many times each day, with both machines running RR2.7.0, and for me both are entirely stable. Incidentally I also find that I don't have to zip my .rev files to swap them between machines (I use an external server for both archiving and swapping), which I believe is contrary to some other people's experience.

For me it would be interesting to find out what are the exact circumstances causing these crashes, just in case I suddenly create them by accident. But it certainly ain't a universal problem.


Graham Samuel / The Living Fossil Co. / UK and France

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