On Sun, 19 Mar 2006 08:52:22 -0800, Rob Cozens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[some good advice on the above subject, including]

I hate to confirm what you don't want to hear; but, yes, it ends up
being a messy job for the reasons you identified: creating a
generalized handler from two or more similar handlers in different
stacks often means changing the scripts in both.  To the extent that
your common handlers are generic, you might adopt your controls to use
handlers in existing rev libraries rather than generalizing your
handlers as well as the scripts of controls that call them. Serendipity
Library <http://wecode.org/serendipity/> includes handlers for data
validation & formatting, date & time handlers, and list handlers in
addition to SDB database handlers.

The good news: when you are finished, the efficiency you will gain is
worth much more than the effort involved.

Well, I suppose that had to be the answer - but I just wanted to thank you, Rob, for troubling to reply and give me a bit of encouragement. As soon as my current app is out of the door I will make a determined effort to library-ize my core routines, which are mostly to do with the house style decided on by my publisher, so that apps from different sources give a similar user experience - this means that it all has to be pretty well homegrown..



Graham Samuel / The Living Fossil Co. / UK and France

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