Hi Sarah and all,

I am currently working through the XML docs and am desparately
looking for something llike -> "revXMLfindNodeBycontent"
There is a "revXMLmatchingNode" but that only lets me find the node
that has an atrribute with a specific value!
Do I really have to cycle through the XMLtext or something line by
line to find a node by its content?
Please tell me it ain't so!!!! :-/
It is so :-(
I found the best compromise was to put the most important search items
as attributes, instead of elements. You can search by attribute.

Hardly doable if your job is to only read and compute external (other peoples) XML files ;-)
However I agree, it seems to be an obvious missing feature that should
be part of the library.

I just added an enhacement request to godzilla: 3414

Throw some votes on it if you like :-)



Klaus Major

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