On Mar 22, 2006, at 7:34 AM, Rob Cozens wrote:

Hi Geoff,

 -- breaking out routines for local vs. server connection

You're ignoring my notes: application requirement: the calling syntax must be identical for client, server, and single user.

That's fine -- I'm just saying that the routine would look something like:

on doSomething pArg
  if tSingleUser then
    doSomethingForSingleUser pArg
    doSomethingForMultiUser pArg
  end if
end doSomething pArg

This way the user can call the routine without regard to whether it's single user or multiuser, but you don't have two big chunks of code lumped together in one handler that can easily be separated.

-- breaking out a routine for when we're just counting records that match vs. returning data

Why? It is not used anywhere else but in this handler. Like Chipp, if I find a need for the logic in another handler, I'll generalize it.

Because it gets rid of a bunch of if statements in your repeat loop. It costs you a bit in that the repeat structure is duplicated in the routine that simply counts, so that's a tradeoff. But your repeat ends up being faster because you aren't doing tests each time through.

Further, your code ends up being easier to understand, because one routine simply counts, while one returns data -- more clear.

-- breaking out a routine that, given a itemList describing a set of fields, returns the data from those fields

Why? It is not used anywhere else but in this handler. Like Chipp, if I find a need for the logic in another handler, I'll generalize it. And actually, theSDRecordMatches function handles most of that logic.

Just because something isn't used anywhere else doesn't mean it should be lumped in. If it can be clearly expressed as a single action (given an itemList describing a set of fields, return the data from those fields) it can be broken out, and both routines will be easier to understand as a result.

to me a routine like this is more than five times as difficult to understand/debug/manage than the five twenty line routines that might replace it.

Where's the beef! Show me the money! Divide findSDRecord into five twenty-line routines and post the result.

I must say, Geoff, you seem to have a penchant for splitting handlers when there is no need to do so.

I obviously don't know SDB well enough to:

 -- know what's right for it by my standards
 -- know what's right for it by your standards
-- change code (or propose changes) in it without knowing the context in which the code operates

I thought a bit before offering comment. Maybe not long enough ;-) If I've offended, I apologize. It wasn't my intention to cast stones at anyone's house in particular.

If you can indulge me for just a moment longer, though, I'd like to throw out an analogy. Look at your comments above. The same thing could have been said as:

On Mar 22, 2006, at 7:34 AM, Rob Cozens wrote:
Hi Geoff, You're ignoring my notes: application requirement: the calling syntax must be identical for client, server, and single user. Why? It is not used anywhere else but in this handler. Like Chipp, if I find a need for the logic in another handler, I'll generalize it. Why? It is not used anywhere else but in this handler. Like Chipp, if I find a need for the logic in another handler, I'll generalize it. And actually, theSDRecordMatches function handles most of that logic. Where's the beef! Show me the money! Divide findSDRecord into five twenty-line routines and post the result. I must say, Geoff, you seem to have a penchant for splitting handlers when there is no need to do so. Rob Cozens CCW, Serendipity Software Company "And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three; Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee." from "The Triple Foole" by John Donne (1572-1631)

Breaking up your comments into paragraphs doesn't change the meaning of what you said, but it makes it clearer.



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