The Hinduism Today Digital Edition remote client PDF downloader and back issues manager will be released on April 1st. Code name "Brazil" (smile). More later... Bottom line for today's announcement:

Your Name May Be In the Credits!

more below:


While I have not offered much to others on this list through the years, we have received a lot.. Our small attempt to "give back" is in the About field where we have major credits for Rev.

250,000 unique IP's hit our web sites every month, factor out multiple rotated IP's on single proxy session we may have "real" visitor count of about 220,000 a month. It's not Newsweek, but is also not peanuts.

Of course just because people bums into your site doesn't mean anything... but, suffice it to say, our Revolutiobn application will be getting a some exposure and much of this is from within the India, Indian-American, Southeast Asian, Hindu software developer world, which is huge.

If you DO NOT want to be on this list please email me right away... (off list of course) If you DO want to be on this list, email me the web site URL that we should use to link your name... We have set up a referrals CGI, people clicking on the links in the "about" field will be logged on our server (transparently) and then redirected to your site. I will be able to get stats on click thrus...

This whole thing, top to bottom is Rev driven including all the CGIs, with a PostGRESQL back end on the web server.

Please email me off list with your proper name and web site you want your link to go to. I've tried to include all the "great ones" who have been helping all of us for over 5 years. If you see some name missing of someone who has done yoeman service to ll of us.. please send that.

If you prefer only your company name that's also fine... let me know. Of course, if you don't want to be on the list we can remove your name.

Hinduism Today Digital Edition
Application and Web Services

Developed by Andre Alves Garzia, Niteroi, Brazil

With code library contributions from:
Ken Ray, Sons of Thunder (libXML); AltuitInc (altSplash.rev);
Dan Shafer SmartEbooks; Shao Sean (getMXRecords)

Created in and driven by Runtime Revolution.



Thanks to the members of the Revolution users community for their generous technical support:

Richard Gaskin, Fourth World (for Leading the Way); Pierre Sahores, France; Frederic Rinaldi, Many Bases, France; Ro Nagey, Royal Software Inc.; Ken Ray, Sons of Thunder; Scott Rossi, Tactile Media; Jan Schenkel, Professional Software; Sarah Reichelt, educator; Klaus Major, Germany; Rob Cozens, Serendipity Software; Jacqueline Landman Gay, HyperActive Software; Troy Rollins, RPSystems, Ltd. Chipp Walters, Altuit; Hugh Senior, The Flexible Learning Company, UK; Jerry Daniels, Daniels and Mara; Geoff Canyon, Inspired Logic; Shao Sean, Canada; Andu Novac, Archeopterix Engineering; Eric Chatonet, So Smart Software, France; Monte Goulding, Sweat Technologies and many others.

[Who did I miss?]

Best Wishes from Hawaii


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