On 24 Mar 2006, at 21:42, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

On 3/25/06, Jeff Honken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I would like to use a "progress bar" to monitor a "go stack URL". I'm clueless on how to write the code. Does someone have an example of this
or can someone please point me in the correct direction. Jeff

I haven't done it using stacks, but I have done it for downloading
pictures from the web and I guess it's much the same. Firstly, you
need to use "load" instead of "go". This is non-blocking and reports
it's status so you can show what's happening.

You can show status using "go" as well. libUrlSetStatusCallback works for both blocking (e.g. load url) and non-blocking (.e.g. get url) calls.

Below is the script of a *very crude* progress palette. The stack consists of two fields (one named "url" and the other named "status"), and a scrollbar (progress bar) named "progress" . Name the stack "url_status" (or anything you want).

Make this stack a substack of your main stack. Then somewhere (e.g in your mainstack's preopenstack handler), include the following:

  start using "url_status"

That's it. After that, it should work for all downloads and uploads (which may not be what you want).


local sUrls
on libraryStack
  libUrlSetStatusCallback "urlCallback", the long id of me
  palette me
  hide me
end libraryStack

on releaseStack
  libUrlSetStatusCallback empty
  close me
end releaseStack

on urlCallback pUrl, pStatusString

  show me
  put pUrl into field "url" of card 1 of me
  put item 1 of pStatusString into tStatus
  put tStatus into field "status" of card 1 of me
  put 1 into sUrls[pUrl]
  if tStatus is among the items of "loading,downloading,uploading" then

    put item 2 of pStatusString into tPart
    put item 3 of pStatusString into tWhole
    if tWhole <> empty then

      showProgress tPart,tWhole
      hide scrollbar "progress" of me
      put "," && tPart && "bytes" after field "status" of card 1 of me
    end if
    --unlock screen
else if tStatus is among the items of "loaded,downloaded,uploaded,cached" then
    delete local sUrls[pUrl]
    if the visible of scrollbar "progress" of me then showProgress 1,1
send "hideStatus" to me in 200 milliseconds ##leave visible for short time

  else if tStatus is among the items of "error,timeout" then
    delete local sUrls[pUrl]
send "hideStatus" to me in 200 milliseconds ##leave visible for short time
    hide scrollbar "progress" of me
  end if
end urlCallback
on showProgress pPart,pWhole
  put the endValue of scrollbar  "progress" of me into tMax
set the thumbPosition of scrollbar "progress" of me to round(tMax * pPart / pWhole)
  show scrollbar "progress" of me
  wait 10 milliseconds
end showProgress
on hideStatus
  if keys(sUrls) is empty then
    hide me
  end if
end hideStatus

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