Aloha and Namaste from Kapaa, Hawaii and Niteroi, Brasil:

We are pleased to announce, thanks to everyone's hard work, Andre Garzia's talents and the support of many on this list, the Hinduism Today Digital Edition -- "Release Candidate 1.0rc.1" which just means, all known bugs discovered to date have been squashed (we hope...) We have been sweating it out here for the last three weeks, but it came out well, though we are probably a week or more behind schedule.

It's free and we need (begging for!) testers. Go to:

Concept modeled on Dan Shafer's "SmartEbooks" with the addition of a few bells and whistles, and a simple, quiet, but hopefully pleasing graphic design from our design department, this is a not-so- complicated Revolution Remote Client app, PDF downloader, booter and back issues manager. An "iMag" for Hinduism Today. Special thanks goes to Ken Ray for XML lib and Chipp Walters and Chris at Altuit for altSplash, two libs that really make this work.

The web interface, back end PostGreSQL are all "driven" by revolution CGI's. So what you experience from here on out is 100% Revolution top to bottom (+xhtml+PostGreSql+Apache) (Dan is this what you mean by a "web app" ??-- if any one wants to the answer to "how did you do that?" contact me off list)

Our call to testers is: "Hammer on it has hard as you want, break it if you can!"

Also, everyone is hereby given an "open season license" to send in as much constructive criticism as you feel inspired to (or not). In the "Help" section, scroll down and use the link that says "Click here to send a support Request" (this is deliberately buried, in the UI... though we might change that later)

In the "About" section scroll all the way to the end to see Revolution and Revolutionary credits. These links run through a referrals CGI on our server and I am logging them all to see what kind of traffic-interest we might get from the large Indian-Hindu software community that will be downloading this app. Since it is free, this product is a walking, talking advertisement for Revolution for those with any interest in the technology behind sit.

Be forewarned, this is a broadband product... at 25-28 megabytes of PDFs per issue. It will be very interesting to see how hungry people are for this kind of offering vs how much resistance there will be to downloading that much data.

We hope you enjoy our new application: (code name "Brasil") and of course, the Digital Edition itself: the beautiful PDF's of the April issue of Hinduism Today International Magazine.

Om shanti (peace)

Sivakatirswami, Kauai
Andre, Brasil
Sadhunathan Nadesan, San Diego

p.s. we discovered an obscure issue with Apple's installer: if you have recent permissions issues on your applications folder, the reproducable bug is: the installer does not write any application to disk. Run "Disk Utilities" and fix permissions and it works fine. I don't know if there are or can be, similar issues on Windows or not.

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