> The standalone builder is not including the plugins necessary to display
> OS X themes. For now, you can copy them from the Revolution application
> bundle (copy the entire Plugins folder) and paste them into your
> standalone. If you don't know how to do that, ask and we can help you.
> A few people are experiencing this problem and I have been trying to
> track down why. Most of us don't see it. However, one thing I have
> noticed is that many of those who experience the failure are from
> non-English-speaking countries. I wonder if the difference is the file
> paths on non-English copies of OS X.

Tired of manually copying the Plugins folder each time I test my app
building a new standalone, I've made a little script to automate this task.

Put it in a button handler, if you want.

on mouseUp
  -- put below your actual Revolution application path
  put "/Applications/Revolution Studio/2.7.0-gm-1/Revolution.app" into
  answer file "Choose your app to add plugins:" with
"/Applications/Revolution Studio/"
  put it into filePath
  set cursor to watch
  put "/Contents/PlugIns/" after filePath
  put "/Contents/PlugIns/" after revPath
  revCopyFolder revPath&"coreimage_support.bundle",filePath
  revCopyFolder revPath&"jaguar_theme_support.bundle",filePath
  revCopyFolder revPath&"panther_theme_support.bundle",filePath
  revCopyFolder revPath&"tiger_theme_support.bundle",filePath
  get the result
  if it <> empty then answer it -- some error?
end mouseUp


Paul Claude

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