Ken Ray, thank you very much for your answer.

I using 2.6.1 version and now I know to bind with this detail, because many many people that work with me in the national project use the 2.6.1 version and the version 2.7 have the incompatibilities with older versions.

Best regards,

Gilberto Cuba

----- Original Message ----- From: "Ken Ray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Use Revolution List" <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 7:59 PM
Subject: Re: What happen with function screenloc() and screenrect()?

On 3/29/06 1:19 PM, "Gilberto Cuba" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

May any body tell me what I can to do? Because I tried to change the values
of windowBoundingRect and not work fine too.

Are you using 2.7 or 2.6? The reason I ask is that in 2.6, your application
doesn't know whether the resolution is being resized while it is running,
and so screenLoc(), etc. won't know about the new resolution unless you quit
your app and relaunch it. 2.7 includes the ability to know when the
resolutoin has changed (it sends a "desktopChanged" message), but I'm not
sure if it affects the screenLoc() function. But at least you can display a
message saying that the screen resolution has changed and you'll need to
quit and relaunch the application.


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
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