There is a standing joke among locals on our island of Kauai, where with 2 hurricanes in 20 years, hotels have changed hands and names so many times that no one can ever remember what actual location anyone is talking about anymore. Since the hotels are also used as "landmarks" we have these crazed conversations that go like this:

#1 It's just past the Aston...

#2 Aston?  I think you mean Kauai Sands, right?

#3 No, they sold Kauai Sands, it's now Kapaa Shores

#4 Oh, I didn't know that...

Everyone breaks out laughing, but still mildly confused -- what place were you talking about, really?

Given that this problem already exists where

xTalk = all hotels, hypertalk is a dead hotel, Supertalk is a different hyperTalk that is still alive but only lives on the apple side of the island, and transcript is an xTalk that is an advancement over hypertalk but is not supertalk that lives where all fruits grow.... big blur...

When my support team for the new dedicated server at ServePath asks "what's that code you use on your web server?" I'm *already* saying to them "oh that's Revolution."

I'm with Lynn this one: we will love coding, henceforth, in Revolution, I will know exactly where the hotel is and who owns it and I can give directions clearly and everyone I talk to knows exactly what I'm talking about:


On Apr 08, 2006, at 12:03 PM, Lynn Fredricks wrote:

The language is now Revolution.

!!! <-- Exclamation would actually be a pretty cool name if you think
about it :-)

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Worldwide Business Operations
Runtime Revolution, Ltd

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