On 4/9/06 7:14 AM, "Robert Sneidar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Robert,

Well, we have ship Valentina 2.3 release, so I was able check our docs on
this issue. I have found that our docs contains clear instructions on page 7
of V4REV_Reference_2_en.pdf

Registration of V4REV external in a new stack

When you create a new stack where you want to use external Valentina for
Revolution, you need first of all to specify for stack where external is
located. You can do this in 2 ways:

1) Open a Stack Inspector. Switch to "External References". Here add
and/or V4REV_win.dll externals.

2) using the window Messages you can type:
 set the externals of this stack to
  "V4REV_2\V4REV_win.dll" &cr& "V4REV_2/V4REV_Macho"

So you probably simply overlooked this text.

To simplify life of future new user of V4REV, we have add also special page
in WIKI related to this issue. Even with picture :-)


And provide links to it from
    a) V4REV Manual
    b) V4REV HOW TO
    c) V4REV FAQs

In any case it is good that you have point where people can have problems.
This help us improve docs

> I didn't read far enough into the journal to see that Ruslan has
> answered my question. I need to add the V4REV_Macho in the External
> References of the stack! GOTCHA!
> Sorry for all the posts.
> Bob Sneidar
> IT Manager
> Logos Management
> Calvary Chapel CM

Best regards,

Ruslan Zasukhin
VP Engineering and New Technology
Paradigma Software, Inc

Valentina - Joining Worlds of Information

[I feel the need: the need for speed]

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