Hi Stephen,

I have a chicken-and-egg situation..

I have a stack startup handler that works fine until it does a 'start using' for a library stack, and then immediately needs to use a handler in that stack just included.

What happens is that the code keeps marching along, the lib isn't active yet... and --- error.

I've put a 'wait 30 ticks' then a 'wait 60 ticks' before continuing. Not long enough? I know, I know, cheesy too.

What's the best way to allow the lib to load.. and how do I wait or hold for it?
I know there's an 'librarystack' message..

If this is the standard response from Revolution, my Foole's luck has kept me from experiencing it: I have not checked all my stacks this morning; however all but one I checked starts using the Library on preOpenStack but doesn't call a Library handler until openStack.

Suppose you started using the library stack in preOpenStack and transferred the library calls to the preOpenCard handler for the first card opened in your main stack?

I said "all but one" because sdbTools plugIn contains:

on preopenStack
  startLibrary "Serendipity_Library.rev"
  if the result then
    answer warning sdbNoLibraryWarning
    close this stack
    exit preopenStack
  end if
put field "Source Database" of card "Translation" into translationSource
  get the sdbFile of this stack
  put it into savedDatabase
  put char 1 to -5 of item -1 it into referenceSource
  if referenceSource <> translationSource then
put referenceSource into field "Source Database" of card "Translation"
    put empty into field "Destination Database" of card "Translation"
    get empty -- trigger db save
  end if
  if it is not savedDatabase then save this stack
  set the icon of button "Serendipity" of card 1 to 103010
    revGoToFramePaused "GrowBook",1
  catch anyError
    set the rect of image "Closed book.gif" to 380,45,765,508
  end try
  getSDBClientId mainStackClientId -- library call
  getSDBDbId mainStackDbId -- library call
logInSDBClient (the platform),(the rIPCMode of this stack) -- library call
  checkSDBResult (the result) -- library call
  get the result
  if word 1 of it then
    close this stack
    exit preopenStack
  end if
  put word 2 of it into referenceClientId
  put the sdbFile of this stack into savedDatabase
  openSDBFile sdbBuffer,false,true,,"None",false,empty -- library call
  checkSDBResult (the result) -- library call
  get the result
  if word 1 of it then
    close this stack
    exit preopenStack
  end if
  if the sdbFile of this stack is not savedDatabase then save this stack
  put word 2 of it into referenceDbId
  put referenceDbId into field "Source Db Id" of card "Translation"
end preopenStack

This logic has always worked for moi. Perhaps because it isn't preOpenStack that contains the start using statement, but rather the startLibrary handler called by preOpenStack. So you might try:

on preOpenStack
        startLibrary "My Library"
end preOpenStack

startLibrary could be as simple as...

on startLibrary libraryName
        start using stack libraryName
        return the result
end startLibrary

Mine is more complex:

on startLibrary libraryName
  set the itemDelimiter to "/"
  put the effective fileName of this stack into libraryPath
  put libraryName into item -1 of libraryPath
  if there is a stack libraryPath then
    start using stack libraryPath
    return empty
  end if
  put "PlugIns" into item -1 of libraryPath
  put "/"&libraryName after libraryPath
  if there is a stack libraryPath then
    start using stack libraryPath
    return empty
  end if
  switch (the platform)
  case "Win32"
    get specialFolderPath("Documents")&"/"&libraryName
    if there is a stack it then
      start using stack it
      return empty
    end if
  case "MacOS"
    if char 1 of the systemVersion < 7 then
      delete item -5 to -3 of libraryPath
      if there is a stack libraryPath then
        start using stack libraryPath
        return empty
      end if
      delete item -2 of libraryPath
      if there is a stack libraryPath then
        start using stack libraryPath
        return empty
      end if
    end if
  end switch
  return true -- = error
end startLibrary

This is because I want developers who use Serendipity Library to have multiple optional locations for library placement when bundling it with their apps.

Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company

"And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee."

from "The Triple Foole" by John Donne (1572-1631)

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