Try doing this:

  if it is empty then exit mouseUp
put it & "/" into filePath

IOW, add a "/" to the end of the file path.

I think that should make it work.

All the Best

On 30 Mar 2006, at 21:36, Jonathan Kotthoff wrote:

This does not seem like it should be this hard...I must be missing something...i am running 2.7 making a simple stack that will copy a file to a target on Winows XP and Mac OS X.4...

here is the code:

on mouseUp
  -- bring up a standard system "save as" file selector

  ask file "Save file as:"
-- if the user cancels, exit without saving
  if it is empty then exit mouseUp
  -- put it into filePath
  put it into filePath
-- Copy file
 revCopyFile "/Content/rubyonrails.pdf",filePath
end mouseUp

no file is copied to the target folder however...

anybody have an example of a stack that copies or an explanation

Thanks in advance...

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