Mark Smith wrote:

>Why on earth is a mac mini three times as expensive in Brazil as in
the US? Is it Apple, local distributors  or some kind of tax? Surely,
if not a tax (in which case, it's not a question of business logic),
there's some kind of opportunity for someone there.

Just to clarify a little more (at the expense of bloating the UR-List a bit - sorry):

If I remember correctly, it was Apple Brasil's own recommended price that was about 3 times the US price originally. Of course, what taxes were invisibly embedded in this price, I cannot say, since VAT and stuff like that is never declared here.

And remembering a little better, I think that this price still held up until only a short while ago.

Could it be that Apple are at last beginning to see a little light with their very recent drastic price cuts here in Brazil? Or has the Brazilian government decided to punish Apple a little less? We may never know.


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