Here is a script I wrote for drag and drop buttons. I wrote it a few months ago when I was just starting out, so there may be some bad coding conventions!

It creates a group of buttons from a data field, and colors them gradually from green to blue (!)

Then, the user can drag them wherever, and the stack will redraw neatly.

Let me know if you want more clarification:

ON calcTops
--this assumes the data field is sorted, it assigns tops to each item put fld "allUserProjectsandPriorities" of cd "data" of stack "data" of stack "greenbongo" into allUserProjectsandPriorities REPEAT with x = 1 to the number of lines of allUserProjectsandPriorities put 110+x*30 into item 4 of line x of allUserProjectsandPriorities
put allUserProjectsandPriorities into fld "allUserProjectsandPriorities" of cd "data" of stack "data" of stack "greenbongo"
END calcTops

ON drawPriorityBoxes
    -- simply redraws the boxes with the tops indicated in the data fld
put fld "allUserProjectsandPriorities" of cd "data" of stack "data" of stack "greenbongo" into pp
    IF exists(grp "projects") THEN
        delete grp "projects"
    END IF
    create grp "projects"
    REPEAT with x = 1 to the number of lines of pp
        create btn in grp "projects"
        set the name of it to item 1 of line x of pp
        set the projectID of it to item 2 of line x of pp
        set the style of it to "opaque"
        put the round of (230-50/the number of lines in pp * x) into c
        set the backgroundColor of it to 100,c,2200-c*4
        set the hiliteColor of it to 100,c,220
        set the showIcon of it to false
        set the showName of it to true
        set the height of it to 24
        set the width of it to 200
        set the topLeft of it to 70,item 4 of line x of pp
set the script of it to "ON mouseDown" & cr & "grab the target" & cr & "END mouseDown" & cr & cr & "ON mouseUp" & cr & "spaceNeat" & cr & "END mouseUp"

put pp into fld "allUserProjectsandPriorities" of cd "data" of stack "data" of stack "greenbongo"
END drawPriorityBoxes

ON redrawPriorityBoxes
-- simply repositions the boxes with the tops indicated in the data fld put fld "allUserProjectsandPriorities" of cd "data" of stack "data" of stack "greenbongo" into allUserProjectsandPriorities
    REPEAT for each line tLine in allUserProjectsandPriorities
        set the top of btn (item 1 of tLine) to item 4 of tLine
END redrawPriorityBoxes

ON spaceNeat
    set the left of the target to 70
put fld "allUserProjectsandPriorities" of cd "data" of stack "data" of stack "greenbongo" into allUserProjectsandPriorities put lineOffset(the short name of the target, allUserProjectsandPriorities) into tLine put the top of the target into item 4 of line tLine of allUserProjectsandPriorities
    sort lines of allUserProjectsandPriorities by item 4 of each
put allUserProjectsandPriorities into fld "allUserProjectsandPriorities" of cd "data" of stack "data" of stack "greenbongo"
END spaceNeat

On Jun 15, 2006, at 9:55 PM, Jared Smith wrote:

I'm wondering what the easiest way is to implement this feature. I
have a normal list field with items that I'd like to be able to click
and drag up or down.

I'm contemplating using mouseDown to grab them and, upon mouseUp,
measure which line it is closest to and move it. I'd also need to come
up with some animation effect to show the user where it'll go before
they release. I wish this functionality was included, but anyway if
anyone can think of a real easy way to do it, please let me know.
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