On 27/6/06 19:54, kee nethery wrote:

On Jun 27, 2006, at 4:13 AM, Klaus Major wrote:
you could catch the "pastekey" message like this one:

on closefield
  ##do your thing
end closefield

on pastekey
  send "closefield" to me in 10 millisecs
  pass pastekey
end pastekey

It does not work for me in 2.6.1.
I tried it first in the stack script as a generic that would send closefield to the target and it never got called.
I moved it to the card script, same thing.
Moved it to the specific field and changed it from sending closefield to the target to sending it to me and that didn't get called.
Very strange.
Thanks for the advice, I'll play with this a bit longer to see why it is not working for me.

You may well be on top of this, but just in case: note that 'pasteKey' literally only catches using the keyboard shortcut to paste; if the user uses "paste" from the standard edit menu, the pasteKey message isn't sent.

  Ben Rubinstein               |  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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