
I will try to give you more information here it is -
you build the standalone
start the application
after it is opened you then either create a new file (cloning of a sub-stack) or open a file you already created. Either way when the file opens, it opens another sub-stack as a drawer. The command originates from the stack you either cloned or opened in the preOpenstack handler. The sub-stack that was cloned or opened makes documents.

So - the whole thing works after you open and close it a few times, but not from the get-go like it has sense version 1.1.1 This application make mix design for concrete, and is being upgraded about every 4 months. But this problem for some reason I just do not get, hope it is simple and will be resolved soon

Thanks for any help


On Jul 7, 2006, at 5:58 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

Michael Robinson wrote:

After building a standalone application and opening it, the main stack seems to works OK, it is when you create a new file ( cloning of a sub-stack ) the new file is created but does not work just right, almost like it does not know who it is or where is located.

Well, a new cloned stack doesn't have a file name on disk yet so probably it really doesn't know who it is. But most things you can do in a script don't require a stack to have a file name, so usually that doesn't matter. Not always though.

1) It will not open a drawer that is in a preopenstack handler until it is closed and reopened 1 time, but it will open the drawer from the menu the first time.

I think we need more information. Do you mean you are trying to open a stack as a drawer before the main stack is drawn yet? I'd be surprised if that could be done, but I never thought to try it. Which stack opens a drawer, and where does the command originate? Which stack has the preOpenStack handler in it?

2) It will create a new document when the file is created, but will not import information from another file until it is opened & closed 2 times.

I don't think I understand this either. What is the new document you're making (a text file? A stack?) What file is created? You should be able to import images or text into a stack that hasn't been saved to disk yet.

Can you describe the series of actions you want in more detail?

This is driving me crazy!

We'll try to find you some Thorazine if all else fails. ;)

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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