I'd suggest a standard HTTPS connection and just pass it XML as part of a POST. Simple, easy to troubleshoot with a browser. SOAP is a complication and there is really no need for it.
Your project sounds like fun.

On Jul 13, 2006, at 5:34 PM, John Tregea wrote:

Thanks Kee,

While the database structure is complete, the front end is not, (that is why I am evaluating Rev), I believe python is a good tool to connect to the database, but not sure if it is used by any other Revolutionaries or if anyone can say what has worked well for them? I believe SOAP is used by some as well?


John T

kee nethery wrote:
If I were you ... starting from the database working outward:

Build a CGI that talks to your database. Host that CGI on your servers. Give it the ability to access your database with a username and password that only it knows and give it the ability to execute any SQL that makes sense.

Have your app talk to the CGI. Have it log in either with a stored password in the app or have the user enter a password that you give to them, or both.

Have your app only send requests for SQL to be run. Don't send the SQL, send the name of the SQL and the parameters. For example:

Team = Dallas
Year = 2006

That gets converted in the CGI into

SQL = "select date,teamA,teamB,scoreA,scoreB from teamScores where date >= 'Jan 1, {year}' and date <= 'Dec 31, {year}' and (teamA = '{team}' or teamB = '{team}')"

SQL submitted = "select date,teamA,teamB,scoreA,scoreB from teamScores where date >= 'Jan 1, 2006' and date <= 'Dec 31, 2006' and (teamA = 'Dallas' or teamB = 'Dallas')"

Just make sure you do some validation in the CGI on the parameters that come in to prevent SQL injection.

If you do this, it doesn't matter if they can get direct access to your CGI, they can only run the SQL you have predefined.

Kee Nethery

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