On Jul 14, 2006, at 4:58 PM, Sivakatirswami wrote:

Any experienced game developers please contact me off list. Criteria for "Game Developer" would be:

1) have been making cross platform games for at least five years as a regular activity.

Sounds like someone who does this all the time for a big company.

2) has created at least 20 or more games, some percentage of which have actually attained a bit of market share. i.e. you have some track record of successful "addictive" games, you can confidently say "yes, I think I know what I am doing and what works."

20 Games? Games are created by large teams of programmers these days unless you just want simple games like the ones
people used to create in the 80's

3) willing to work for "non-profit rates" (we don't have big New York budgets, we also don't have high pressure schedules)

Someone who has the vast experience you are looking for is not going to be interested in working for "non-profit rates".

4) has a natural interest in (affinity for) and some familiarity with eastern religious-philosophical content (game dialog, words used, characters etc will all relate to things like karma, reincarnation etc.)

5) has produced games not only for "children" but some games with a bit higher intellectual content (i.e. the target market will include literate teens and young adults)

Your expectations are a joke for the poor level of pay you are promising.

If you think you may qualify, but not quite fitting above criteria, go ahead and respond. I would need to see some samples of your work.

You don't get to see code unless you are willing to sign an NDA (Non- disclosure Agreement).

We definitely have a market and strong distribution channels, but we don't have a lot of capital and we could consider also a royalty option if sales actually took off. i.e. we are willing to work out a win-win contract, whatever it may be. If you would worry about getting your fair shake, don't, I can give you references going back 35 years. We *always* take care of both sides of a business relationship. Saint Tiruvalluvar wrote: "Take care of the business of others as if it were your own."

Note, we are just in the very, very early "formative concept" stages of thinking here and this is just a first tentative step into the big game pond.

You really don't know what you are doing yet. You need to rethink everything including your approach to professional game programmers.

Hire a consultant first to help you spec out your true needs. Sorry I had to be the one to tell you, but someone needs to shake you into
the harsh reality of game programming.

Sorry, I couldn't sound nicer about this. I'm sure I'll get flamed for just trying to be honest.


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