In the context of protecting our clients data (and therefore our reputation in the maritime/supply chain security field), that was my concern.

Whether, once a rev stack was built into a stand-alone application, was it possible to read the rev scripts with another copy of Rev or some other utility (like I used to do with ResEdit under Mac OS < X).

If a hacker could read the scripts, they could see how the de-cryption of an encrypted value was accomplished in the front end and by re-producing that process, de-crypt and use the key in another client application (like pgadmin) to create a non-authorised session to the back-end postgreSQL database.

Following <STRONG> advice from list members I am not going to rely on encrypted storage of any type of key in the front end.

I am looking at hardware devices capable of storing a unique key.

I spotted iButtons recently (java virtual machines in a chip) and note that one type of iButton stores a unique (factory set) 128bit string. I could pre-program Rev to read that key from an iButton provided to the user (via a serial port iButton reader) and use that for the login to the database.

So while I realise the number could be read by someone with serial port monitoring software, they could not reproduce another iButton with the same key (As I believe there is only one iButton ever made with one key)

Although a user could try to authenticate more than one workstation with one iButton the key would be stored in the session info and only become re-usable once the first session was ended.

The key would also only work with that client's installation of our product because the database accounts would be pre-configured to expect the key from the matching iButton/s. So a 10 user system would come with 10 iButtons and readers from us. (plus 10 U3 smart drives with the user software on board). The only problem I see now is... Will the user's PC have the available serial port for the iButton reader, or can Rev be made to read data from a USB reader (that is also available)?

Actually my dream device would be a USB device with a 256MB U3 drive, a GPS chip, a thumb print reader and an iButton reader all built-in. Then I could do four factor authentication with one piece of hardware. Dream on... :-)

Oh yes, I would then need Rev to read data from a USB port as well...


John T

Kay C Lan wrote:
Closer to the topic at hand. Somewhere earlier I noted someone mentioned
storing 'valuable' data in custom props and then emptying the props on
closeStack. With my insecure work with mySQL I follow a similar procedure,
only after all transactions are complete do I clear the fields and custom
props. If I start the stack and there is data in a field or custom prop then it indicates that something 'failed' during the process and so hopefully I can retrieve the data and complete the transaction without too much hassle. Conversely, if you are working with secure data I imagine a simple Save and 'Force Quit' followed by opening the stack in a text editor will reveal all
the data in custom props - maybe not what you were hoping for.
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