Greetings All,

To clarify how I do this ...

I have a stack that has 2 fields. The first fields contains 30,000 lines. My goal (for the sake of doing something) is to put item 1 of each line into item 2 of each line. When the script is finished, the results should be put into field 2.

Using the following script, processing all 30,000 lines takes a little over 52 seconds.

on mouseUp
  put empty into cd fld 2
  wait 5 ticks
  put 0 into XX
  put cd fld 1 into listXX
  put the ticks into timer
  repeat for each line L in listXX
    add 1 to XX
    put line XX of listXX into item 2 of line XX of listXX
  end repeat
  put (the ticks - timer)/60
  put listXX into cd fld 2
end mouseUp

Using my script, I can process all 30,000 lines in less than 1 second.
Using the following values for YY I got the corresponding times . . .
                YY = 500 = 1.48 seconds
                YY = 400 = 1.17 seconds
                YY = 300 = .917 seconds
                YY = 200 = .683 seconds
                YY = 100 = .433 seconds
                YY = 50 = .333 seconds

on mouseUp
  put 50 into YY
  put empty into cd fld 2
  wait 5 ticks
  put 0 into XX
  put empty into listYY
  put cd fld 1 into listXX
  put the ticks into timer
  repeat until listXX is empty
    put line 1 to YY of listXX into tempXX
    delete line 1 to YY of listXX
    repeat with x = 1 to YY
      put line x of tempXX into item 2 of line x of tempXX
    end repeat
    put RETURN & tempXX after listYY
  end repeat
  delete line 1 of listYY

  put (the ticks - timer)/60
  put listYY into cd fld 2
end mouseUp

Happy Scripting,
John Miller
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