
Right after uploading a dozen of files to my ftp account asynchronically using the libUrlFtpUploadFile command, I can't get a directory listing using the syntax: get url "ftp:// name:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/folder/" (note the trailing slash, as I want a listing). Most of the time I receive the error "Error Previous request not completed".

It appears the GetURL handler in the revLibURL script doesn't let me get the url because the variable lvBlockingUrl is not empty. Although everything has been uploaded/downloaded already, lbBlockingUrl indicates that one or more transfers are still in progress. So, in the GetURL handler, I changed the line which checks whether any url's are currently being handled and added variable to force the handler to run normally:

if lvBlockingUrl is empty or lvBlockBypass is true or lvAuthBlockBypass is true or lOverrideBlockingUrls is true then

The variable lOverrideBlockingUrls is from me and is set using an additional command. If lOverrideBlockingUrls is true, getUrl still runs as expected. I am not sure that this is a solution, though.

Additionally, many repeat loops like these

if laLoadReq[tUrlHolder] is empty then
    repeat until laStatus[tUrlHolder] is not empty
      if lvJumpOut then exit to top
      wait for messages
    end repeat
  end if

in LibURL never finish. Probably, this means the laStatus[tUrlHolder] is always empty or lvJumpOut is always false.

First, I would like to know, is this likely to be a bug in the libURL library, or am I doing something wrong? Second, before I start debugging libUrl, is there a simple way to prevent this problem from occurring and did anyone see this problem before? If there is no solution for this problem yet, what would be a good place in the library to start debugging? I need to solve this problem now, so every idea is more than welcome.

I'm using Rev 2.7.2 on Mac OS X 10.4.7.




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