On 23 august 2006 Jacqueline Landman Gay wrote:-
>I am running Windows XP under Parallels on a Mac Intel machine. >The command 
>"set cursor to none" does not work. (I did get it to >work on one occasion, 
>but I couldn't repeat it.) I don't know if >the problem is with Revolution or 
>with Parallels.
>Could someone with a real XP machine
>please tell me if this code works?

>Make a button with this script and then move the mouse over the button:

>on mouseEnter
>lock cursor
>set cursor to none
>end mouseEnter

>on mouseLeave
>unlock cursor
>end mouseLeave

>If it works for you, then I can stop trying to figure it out. Thanks.

Works OK on an XP.HE box. Revolution Media 2.7.2
Also in "Edit tool" mode which makes it difficult to resize the button!


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