
Does anyone have (or know of) an algorithm to find repeating
patterns of characters in a string ?

This started out as a mental exercise for moi, and the mouseUp logic is untested:

on mouseUp
  put field 1 into sourceString
  put empty into patternList
  put 6 into minPatternLength -- or whatever
put length(sourceString) div 2 into maxPatternLength -- pattern can't be longer than half the length
  if maxPatternLength < minPatternLength then exit mouseUp
  repeat with patternLength = maxPatternLength down to minPatternLength
put ((length(sourceString) mod patternLength)-1)*patternLength into maxStartPosition
      -- pattern can't start within patterenLength-1 chars from end
      put patternLength - 1 into endAdjustment
      repeat with startingPoint = 1 to maxStartPosition
        set cursor to busy
        put startingPoint+endAdjustment into patternEnd
        put char startingPoint to patternEnd of sourceString into targetPattern
if targetPattern is among the words of patternList then next repeat -- may need stronger checking? get the number of lines of offsets(targetPattern,char (patternEnd+1) to -1 of sourceString)
        if it > 0 then put targetPattern&&it&return after patternList
      end repeat
    end repeat
    put patternList
end mouseUp

OTOH, working on it led me to the following offsets function, which has been tested.

function offsets targetString, sourceString
  put empty into offsetsList
  put 0 into offsetAdjustment
  put length(targetString)-1 into targetLengthAdjustment
    get offset(targetString,sourceString)
    if it = 0 then return offsetsList
    put (it+offsetAdjustment) &return after offsetsList
    put it+targetLengthAdjustment into deleteCutoff
    delete char 1 to deleteCutoff of sourceString
    add deleteCutoff to offsetAdjustment
  end repeat
end offsets

Example: offsets("at","The cat in the hat smelled a rat where he sat.") returns


Note that the same logic can be applied to create lineOffsets, itemOffsets, and wordOffsets functions.



Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company

"And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee."

from "The Triple Foole" by John Donne (1572-1631)
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