Just a quick note to let you all know that StackRunner has been updated to
version 1.5 using the Rev 2.7.2 engine (Rev 2.7.3 could not be used because
there is a significant bug in AppleEvents that prevents SR from operating).
There are now Universal Binary, PowerPC and Intel Only builds in addition to
the Windows build.

Those needing OS 9 or Linux builds can still download StackRunner 1.3.

You can download it here:


A final reminder: StackRunner is to be used with Revolution Studio or
Enterprise in order to simplify deployment of stacks. If you are using
Revolution Media or Dreamcard, you need to use the Revolution Player (in
fact, StackRunner cannot open stacks created in Revolution Media at all).


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/

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