Ocer the years a few of us have worked extensively with unicode and I think people tend to get better results (I do) in Rev when transferring the text as HTML.

In most cases I take the text of an input field and set the textFont of it to unicode (this will render UTF-16, as noted).

Then I put the htmlText of the same field somewhere else I want it to be.

That text, when displayed as htmlText in subsequent fields, will render Unicode pretty consistently correct. I have used it for Chinese (both systems), Japanese, Korean and Russian.

It is true that Microsoft does a few things that look eccentric relating to Unicode, but mostly I think it is the usual carelessness and assumption that MS users don't have any sophisticated needs. Fortunately I don't have to mess with MS much, and my apps work well enough when built for MS users. I figure they are all willing to put up with the defects, otherwise they would get real computers. So, if they're happy, so am I.

On Sep 19, 2006, at 8:29 AM, Mark Schonewille wrote:


To enter unicode characters in a field directly, you have to change the keyboard settings of your operating system.

I didn't say you can set the itemDel to uniencode(tab). I said you have to uniencode the itemDel, like:

put uniencode(the itemDel) into myItemDel

and then find the encoded string in your field, e.g. using the offset function. Read the information about offset in the docs. You might need to use a repeat loop to find the right item. Sorry, I don't hav time to write an example script now.

I don't know about a good introduction to unicode in Rev.


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