SORRY, a typo as I sent too quickly...
note the "/" should be a "\" in the last replace line !!!

On 9/26/06 8:14 PM, "Kay C Lan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But maybe if in my script I change the tool mode prior to accessing 'the
> clipboardText' I might reset the 'anomaly' and get the data back....

About the 'getting the text from TextEdit to Rev' via the clipboard, I found
the same inconsistency with BBEdit as the word processor.  My solution is
actually to 
(watch word wrap)

 put quote into q
  put merge("tell app [[q]]TextEdit[[q]] to get the text of the front
document") into cmd
  do cmd as applescript
  put the result into theTextIWant
put char 2 to -2 of theTextIWant into theTextIWant  --quote ends
replace ("\"&q) with q in theTextIWant  --escaped quotes

Hope this helps

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

On 9/26/06 9:26 PM, "Trevor DeVore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sep 26, 2006, at 8:14 PM, Kay C Lan wrote:
>> I wrote an Automator work flow, which is called from my rev script,
>> which
>> opens the pdf file in TextEdit, selects it's entire contents,
>> places it in
>> the clipboard and then subsequently looses it. If I go to any other
>> application and cmd-v the text is pasted, if I'm in Rev and I use
>> the mouse
>> to paste, the text is pasted, but in Rev using cmd-v or my script
>> and 'the
>> clipboardText' - nothing:-(
>> But maybe if in my script I change the tool mode prior to accessing
>> 'the
>> clipboardText' I might reset the 'anomaly' and get the data back....
> I just posted a bug relating to Rev not noticing updates made to the
> clipboard by other applications under certain scenarios.  It has a
> video demonstrating the problem.  I wonder if they are related?

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