I just checked this out in OSX in 2.7.2, 2.7.3. and 2.7.4, and the
behavior is the same in all versions. But different from the Windows
test of yesterday.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 7:04:52 PM, I wrote:

> Double-clicking "First Main Stack.rev" opens that stack, waits two
> seconds, then hides it and launches the second stack.

No second stack launch. Seems like a platform difference. It appears
that double-clicking on Windows is setting the defaultFolder so that
the launch of the second stack from the script succeeds, while this is
not taking place on OSX. I'm not sure this is a bug, but I certainly
didn't expect this difference. At any rate, the openStack handler is
getting called properly in all cases, since the first stack disappears
after the requisite two seconds.

> Opening the first stack from the IDE works similarly except that the
> second stack does not show up. The difference is that you're calling
> "go to stack" without either having the stack in memory or setting the
> defaultFolder, so the stack isn't found, and this causes a silent
> error.

This behavior is the same. Note that on either platform, loading the
second stack into memory first and then launching the first stack will
produce the desired result in the IDE.

-Mark Wieder

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