Where I am supposed to place the external in the standalone on OSX ?

I am really confused.... 

I tryed to build a standalone with the  EnhancedQT  external in MACOSX

In windows it works fine ... but in MACOSX it  is a mess.

I placed the enhancedQT.bundle inside the standalone package ... next to
the application file and into the External folder ... it does not work.

I set  "the external property"  to a relative path and to  an absolute
path... and in both cases it does not work.

Where I am supposed to place the file?

Will externals work both in Universal binary and PowerPc applications?


Paolo Mazza

Paolo Mazza
Via Calatafimi, 16 - 35137 PADOVA 
www.neol.it   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tel 049-7386590

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